
User Guide

Duke is a chatbot for managing your tasks via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is fun and exciting, and makes managing tasks less of a chore.


  1. Adding a Task
  2. Finding a Task
  3. Mark a Task as done
  4. Deletes a Task
  5. Snooze a Task
  6. Lists all the tasks
  7. Exit the Program

Adding a Task: todo, event, or deadline

Adds a todo, event, or deadline task to the task list.

Format: todo TASK / event TASK /at DATE / deadline TASK /by DATE

Words in upper case are parameters.

DATE is in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD


Finding a Task: find

Finds a task with the given keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

KEYWORD is a parameter.

Example: find sleep

Mark a Task as Done: done

Marks a task as done.

Format: done TASKNUMBER

TASKNUMBER is the id of the task that you would want to mark as done.

Example: done 1

Deletes a Task: delete

Delete a task from the task list.

Format: delete TASKNUMBER

TASKNUMBER is the id of the task that you would want to delete.

Example: delete 1

Snooze a task: snooze

Snooze a task, and change the date of the event or deadline (could be earlier or later).

Format: snooze TASKNUMBER DATE

TASKNUMBER is the id of the task that you would want to snooze.

DATE is the new desired date of the task.

Lists all the tasks: list

Lists all the tasks in the list.

Format: list

Exit and save the task list: bye

Exists and save all the current tasks to a txt file in the hard drive.

Format: bye